
The Begining

Founded in 2002, we were the first student team of IIT Kanpur ever, which strived for an international robotics competition, Robocon, thereby inculcating the culture of robotics in the campus community.


RoboCon 2014

With time our team forged ahead, achieving the first position nationally in the design challenge in Robocon 2014.


RoboCon 2015

Following up in our constant growth, we stood 11th overall in Robocon 2015 at the national level.


RoboCon 2016

Requited by our constant efforts and hard work, we gloriously landed 3rd among 105 teams from India.


A New Challenge

With the increasing research trend in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vehicles, our team profoundly expanded its boundaries and forging ahead to compete in the International ground Vehicle Competition held in Michigan, USA.


IGVC 2018

In our very first attempt at IGVC, we proved our excellence by standing 5th among 36 international teams.


IGVC 2019

In 2019 we again participated in the competition with more preparations and hard work and as the saying goes you get what you work for not what you wish for we were first runner up in the Grand Challenge and second in Auto-nav challenge.